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The New Home For Design

The Game Global

DADI Design House  The Game Global

The Game Global

THE GAME is a 1990s American inspired Sports Bar, Kitchen & Games Room dedicated to bringing friends and new friends together through a love of Sport, Music, Cocktails and Soul Food.

Sport & 90s Nostalgia are at the heart of THE GAME; with creative cocktails, (ever had a cocktail out of a cereal box?!) Arcade Games, Hip-Hop, House & Disco DJ’s every night and the best Table Tennis tables, Live Sports and Competitive Activities in town; THE GAME is the choice for those who want to kick back, hang out & seriously enjoy themselves.

DADI produced: Logo Development, Branding, Interior Design, Email Marketing, Event Advertising, Menu/Brochure Design, Social Media Assets/Strategy and Bespoke Forms.


Branding, Digital Media, Interior Design, Print